

Sunday 2 February 2014

Living The Dream

(Courtesy of Jiks Retardo | 3ECE)
Yesterday, my classmate received a text message from our Theology professor and he hurriedly took a screenshot of the message and uploaded it in our facebook group page.

My first reaction was, "Ow..." (with matching sad face). I got sad because today was just the day I have time to have a long rest that I ever wanted.

Last week was a very busy week for me. Even though my schedule is not that stressful compared to my other classmates/blockmates, I feel like very stressful not because of Mr.Edang's DE/Experiment Solutions or any other school requirement but because of some responsibility that I am giving for the school.

First I think was the sudden re-shoot (January 27, 2014) of one sequence in the Lupang Hinirang Music Video project of the school because of some comment by the project head. It was really urgent because our target date of presentation was last January 30, 2014 right after the Grand Eucharistic Celebration and we are running out of time to edit the said Music Video. Second was the acoustic night. It was a very depressing moment because by the time we are performing on stage, a technical problem occurred where the speakers cried loudly by the time we started to play our piece. I felt sorry to one of my band mate because it was his first time to play in in that kind of event after 3 years of waiting and suddenly his guitar cannot be heard while we are playing. He feels so upset not because we didn't won but because the that freaking technical problem just ruined everything we have prepared for several days. Also, instead of having fun during the ECE Day, we just gathered here in my house to practice our piece. But like what Fr. Dennis Paez said, "Things does not happen according to plan...". And the group had a conclusion of "Maybe it is not time for us..." just to end the depression we had. Third I think was the editing of the Lupang Hinirang music video where I had to sleep over the studio just to finish editing the video. It was a very productive night for me where I did the High Resolution of our school's logo (The one I recently posted in this blog) and finished the video at the same time. It was the time I just have 2 hours of sleep because I have to practice some songs which I have to play during the EPC mass... Lastly I think was the EPC mass which was celebrated by Cardinal Tagle and the concert entitled: "Night of the first Howl" during the First of February.

(Courtesy of DBTC Communications)
The EPC mass was just one of the memorable moments of mine here in Don Bosco because I am lucky to be part of the band to play the guitar during the mass and it is my second time to play in the Grand Eucharistic Celebration (First time was last year).

Ofcourse, I feel really blessed about these experiences because it really strengthen my faith a lot. It is like refueling my deepest faith in God which is also like draining while I am living in a "makamundong buhay". I can say that GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US. I can assume that whatever we do in life, it is an encounter with God. God is always present. It's just us who denies and ignores his present in every moments of our life. As like what he said, "I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows me will not walk on darkness." We are living in a sinful world, full of darkness. But still God exists. God is using everything around us such as our friends, nature, events etc... to communicate with us. But in the end, it is us to us how we will interpret/answer that call. I believe that God shines brighter whenever we are in darkness. Because sometimes, even we are living in a very illuminating world, we tend to forget Jesus Christ, true light, the truth and the life.

As a Bosconian, I'm dreaming of Don Bosco Schools especially DBTC Mandaluyong to be very competent in every aspects of life. I'm dreaming of one community being united as one, sharing all their talents and skills for the good of every Bosconians around the world.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Bosconian Seal

Finding the High Resolution of the school's logo on the internet is just one of the common problems I was encountering whenever I'm doing some school related projects such as videos, reports and paper works since I was in High School.

Also, I feel so irritated whenever I see the "pixelated" and the deformed version of the logo being used by some students (no hard feelings po) in their reports/paper works so I made this High Resolution PNG (Portable Network Graphics) for us Bosconians provide some detailed works whenever we need to comply our requirements.

(This is what it looks like)

Now, the High Resolution of school's logo is now available!

You can download the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file on the link below:

Download the logo now and let us make some awesome presentations/paper works!
Be proud! Be Bosconian!


Here are some screenshots how did I finished the logo:

Doing the draft in Adobe Illustrator CC

Finishing the Logo in Adobe Photoshop CC

You can contact me in facebook if you need to use the vector file (.ai)

Disclaimer: I'm not the one who originally illustrated the logo. I just re-illustrated it because I can't find the original vector on the internet and I don't know whom shall I contact in order for me to have that logo. I'm sharing this work of mine to provide something to the students, teachers, professors, salesians and all parts of the EPC for their paper works, watermarks etc... All these work is for DON BOSCO and not just for myself. I can see many potentials among the students of DBTC Mandaluyong when it comes to Multimedia but it's just that they (including me) do not have enough resources/materials to work on.

Let us all share our talents and blessings for our loving father ST. JOHN BOSCO.

Be a proud Bosconian! :D

Happy Feast Day Everyone! :)

Please share my Blog! ^_^

Live The Dream MP3
